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Quarter 1

It’s easy! Earn 60 points for $60! 


Challenge: Meal Plan Jan. 10 - 31 Track "YES" each day for planning meals.
10 points. Log participation in WellRight.
Daily Workout Challenge Jan. 1 - 31 Self-reported in WellRight. Earn 1 point/day. 31 points possible.
HealthyU Courses Jan 1-31 Take wellness course, "How to Build a Habit". 5 pts.


ChallengeHealthy Gut Feb. 1 - 29  Track at least 4 probiotic foods. 10 points. Log participation in WellRight. 
Daily Workout Challenge Feb. 1 - 29 Self-reported in WellRight.
Earn 1 point/day. 29 points possible.
HealthyU Courses Feb. 1-29 Take wellness course, "Hypertension Overview". 5 pts.


Challenge: Drop Pop March 1 - 31 Track "YES" for 25 out of 30 days for dropping pop! 10 points.  Log participation in WellRight.
Daily Workout Challenge March 1 - 31 Self-reported in WellRight.
Earn 1 point/day. 31 points possible.
HealthyU Courses March 1-31 Take wellness course, "Nutrition Fundamentals". 5 pts. 

Annual Opportunities

  • $60 - Complete the Voluntary Health Assessment in the WellRight platform
  • $100 - Visit BluMine Health Clinic or your primary care physician for your annual physical. Learn more...

 How do YOU #HealthyEKU?

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